Treating Dry Eye With ProkeraⓇ


What is Prokera®?

The eye muscles are the most active muscles in the human body

Prokera® is a corneal bandage, that may remind you of a contact lens. It delivers healing properties to your eye. Instead of a lens, Prokera® is made of amniotic membrane that is held in place by a pair of rings. It is slightly larger and thicker than a contact lens.

The protective and regenerative properties of the amniotic membrane have proven to be highly effective in treating certain conditions of the cornea, including dry eye.

The amniotic membrane that is used in Prokera® comes from FDA-approved tissue banks. These tissue banks source the membrane from healthy, donor mothers who have undergone a C-section and have given consent. Rigorous donor testing and screening of the final product ensure the safety of the treatment.

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How Does Prokera® Treat Dry Eye Disease?

When your eyes are healthy and functioning properly, they provide their own lubrication. Sometimes, your eyes’ natural lubrication isn’t working well for different reasons. These reasons can include aging, contact lenses, medications, environment, or auto immune diseases. The resulting symptoms that point to dry eye can include a stinging, burning sensation or a feeling that something is in the eye. Some patients report vision problems.

Prokera® is highly effective in treating ocular surface disease. The Prokera® device is placed by your doctor in our office and is typically worn for 3-5 days. It’s healing properties work naturally to combat dry eye symptoms:

  1. It creates a barrier of protection.
    Prokera® provides a shield of moisture to protect the eye’s tears from evaporation.
  2. It works naturally to heal.
    The amniotic membrane possesses natural therapeutic properties. It prevents infection and reduces inflammation to restore comfort.
  3. It creates a regenerative environment.
    The eye surface regenerates itself with stimulation from Prokera®. This regeneration is invaluable in healing any damage caused by dry eye disease.

Who is a Good Candidate for Prokera®?

Prokera® is widely tolerated by most patients. Little to no side effects have been reported with the use of Prokera®. 

If you are allergic to Ciprofloxacin, Amphotericin B, Glycerol, and/or DMEM, you should notify your doctor and not receive the Prokera® treatment.

Contact Today

Get Dry Eye Relief at Lehigh Eye Specialists

We are pleased to offer our patients Prokera®, giving them relief from the stinging, burning sensations of chronic dry eye. Prokera® is the only U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-cleared therapeutic device that reduces inflammation and promotes healing. In a recent patient survey, 93% of patients with dry eye said they felt better after treatment with Prokera®.

Call today to schedule an appointment with our dry eye specialist, Dr. Julie McLaughlin. Dr. McLaughlin’s extensive work and research in the study of dry eye has enabled her to help patients get relief and improve their vision. She is accepting new patients and looks forward to devising a care plan for you.

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About Lehigh Eye Specialists

Lehigh Eye Specialists is an industry leader in providing diagnoses and surgery for retinal diseases and conditions. Our dry eye specialist, Dr. McLaughlin provides clients with unparalleled care.

About Dr. McLaughlin  About Our Practice