Macular Pucker Treatment With Lehigh Eye Specialists


What is Macular Pucker?

Macular pucker is a condition in which scar tissue forms on the macula. The macula is the part of the eye responsible for sharp central vision; it processes what you see directly in front of you. A macular pucker can cause blurry or distorted vision and may make it difficult to read or drive.

Macular pucker is caused by extra tissue developing on the retinal surface. It is believed that this may be due to aging or other conditions such as diabetes or inflammation. The scar tissue associated with macular pucker can cause the retina to wrinkle and pull away from its underlying layer, which interferes with clear vision.

Other symptoms of macular pucker include a decrease in central vision, distortion, and difficulty reading small print. In some cases, people may also experience difficulty adjusting their eyes for night driving or have trouble recognizing faces.


What Causes Macular Pucker?

The exact cause of macular pucker is unknown but sometimes its development is linked to age-related changes in the eye. The most common risk factors associated with macular pucker include:

  • Age over 50
  • History of posterior vitreous detachment (PVD)
  • History of inflammation in your eye (uveitis)
  • Previous eye injury or surgery
Macular Pucker Symptoms

What Are the Symptoms of Macular Pucker?

The most common symptom of macular pucker is distorted or blurred vision. This may be accompanied by a decrease in sharp central vision and waviness of straight lines. In some cases, people may also experience floaters (small spots that appear to float across the field of vision) or flashes of light.

Other symptoms of macular pucker include a decrease in central vision and difficulty reading small print. In some cases, people may also experience difficulty with night driving or trouble recognizing faces.

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How Is Macular Pucker Diagnosed?

To diagnose macular pucker, your doctor will likely perform a comprehensive eye exam including visual acuity tests and optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans. These tests allow your doctor to take detailed images of the macula and look for signs of scarring or swelling.


How Is Macular Pucker Treated?

Macular pucker can be treated in a few ways, depending on the severity of the condition and how much it affects your vision. Treatment options include corrective lenses, surgery to remove scar tissue, or medications to reduce swelling. In some cases, no treatment is necessary if no symptoms are present.


Why Choose Lehigh Eye Specialists?

Macular pucker, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and cataracts are just a few of the conditions that require specialized treatment. As such, it’s important to choose an experienced team who can provide an accurate diagnosis and comprehensive care. At Lehigh Eye Specialists, we specialize in providing each patient with personalized care based on their individual needs. Our highly trained medical professionals have extensive experience treating a variety of eye diseases, making us one of the most highly-regarded eye care centers in the Lehigh Valley.

If you’ve been referred to Lehigh Eye Specialists, we invite you to visit our Patient Portal page where you’ll find forms and information to help you prepare for your visit. We look forward to caring for you.

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