Central Serous Chorioretinopathy: Symptoms, Treatment & More


Treat central serous chorioretinopathy and other vision problems with Lehigh Eye Specialists in eastern Pennsylvania.

What Is Central Serous Chorioretinopathy?

In a nutshell, central serous chorioretinopathy is an eye condition where there is fluid buildup behind the retina. The retina is a light-sensitive tissue at the back of your eye that triggers nerve impulses and helps you recognize images. This buildup can distort your vision occasionally resulting in severe image distortion or blurry vision.

In more severe cases, the fluid can cause a detachment of the retina.

Do you or someone you know struggle with blurry or impaired vision? Schedule an appointment with your eye doctor who can evaluate your symptoms and if necessary, refer you to Lehigh Eye Specialists.


Symptoms of Central Serous Chorioretinopathy

Central serous chorioretinopathy can present itself in a few ways:

  • dark areas in vision
  • seeing crooked or bent lines when they are actually straight
  • observing a brownish tinge to certain objects
  • seeing objects as dull or lacking in color
  • seeing objects farther away than they are
  • blurred vision

Do you experience one or more of these symptoms? Call your eye doctor as soon as possible to discuss your symptoms and receive a professional evaluation. If central serous chorioretinopathy is suspected, your doctor may refer you to Lehigh Eye Specialists. Your chances of curing central serous chorioretinopathy without suffering any permanent visual impairment are a lot higher when treated during the earlier stages.

Diagnosis & Treatment

Treatment Options


Treatment options will vary depending on the severity of your case. In some instances, the fluid will drain away on its own and you will not need any additional treatment. However, a qualified eye doctor will be able to confirm whether the condition is fixing itself or worsening. In some circumstances, the fluid does not drain but accumulates and builds up even further.

Micro Pulse Laser Therapy

Micropulse laser therapy uses short, repetitive, low energy laser beam pulses to treat the fluid build-up behind the retina. The laser beam pulses are separated by a brief rest period, allowing the tissue to cool between pulses, preventing damage to retinal tissue.

Photodynamic Therapy

Photodynamic Therapy involves injecting a drug called verteporfin. This drug moves towards the eye which is then activated with the help of a cold laser. Once activated, the drug works to stop the leak and may even prevent them from occurring in the future.

Thermal Laser Treatment

Thermal laser treatment is used to stop the tissue from leaking out fluid behind the retina. However, this treatment may present the risk of scarring.


Why Choose Lehigh Eye Specialists?

As a team of qualified ophthalmologists, a residency-trained optometrist, and highly dedicated staff, we are your one-stop option for surgical and medical eye care. Your comfort, satisfaction, and well-being are our primary concerns, and we do everything to ensure that you receive the care and treatment you deserve.

Have a question about our services? We are just one call away. Get in touch and we’ll be happy to answer your questions or assist you through the process should you be referred by your doctor.

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